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Krister's Blog
krister at hallergard dot com

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Mount Windows in Linux (/etc/fstab)

When dual-booting or multi-booting Windows and Linux you are likely to want to access Windows in Linux and vice versa. Linux uses the configuration file /etc/fstab to mount the partitions at boot time.

Upon installation of Linux Kubuntu the "UUID" was used as "file system" and "/" (root) as as the "mount point" - Linux Suse used "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-MAXTOR_STM3500630AS_6QG0YM55-part1" as "file system". I added the other partitions manually - for the Windows 7 partition I used "/dev/sdb1" and "/mnt/w5", and also added the folder "w5" to the /mnt folder.

For Windows the file "type" is usually "ntfs". For FAT32 the type would be "vfat". There are various options - hit "man fstab" in a terminal to see the documentation!

I use the same /mnt/fstab for all the Linux partition, just hash out those that are not applicable, such as /mnt/l3 which is already mounted as the root partition for Linux Kubuntu. And also /mnt/w3 which is hidden. The last five row entries are only used by some of the distros.
Mounting Windows
Mounting Windows /mnt/w5

/etc/fstab - Click!

/etc/fstab - original

The screenshot to the left shows these partitions:
(the root partition is /mnt/l3 (sda3) Linux Kubuntu)
  • /mnt/l1 (sda1) Linux SuSE
  • /mnt/l2 (sda2) Linux Fedora
  • /mnt/w3 (sda3) Windows XP (hidden - not mounted)
  • /mnt/w4 (sda4) ntfs backup partition
  • /mnt/w5 (sdb1) Windows 7, expanded to /mnt/w5/Photos
  • /mnt/w6 (sdb2) Windows XP (out of view)
  • /mnt/l7 (sdb3) Linux Mint (out of view)
  • /mnt/l8 (sdb4) Linux Ubuntu (out of view)