I am using the FTP protocol a lot on my local network for file management and file transfers between my Android devices
(which include the Sony Bravia Android TV) and also to and from the PC. And for streaming videos. For a few years I have been using the Chinese app
ES File Explorer from DO Global, but for some time Google has been warning that it is unsafe.
Have now decided to switch over completely to FTP Server from the Banana Studio.
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I tried about 20 apps to replace ES File Explorer, and finally settled for the FTP Server by Banana Studio. It has two features that I was missing in ES File Explorer: password and autostart on boot. Actually
it is very rare that the TV is rebooted, as it normally is on standby. Where to tic to restart the server, if the ISP has renewed the
Internet lease? Will take a while to test out, but will add the answer here.

Google's warning

FTP Server config